The One Pass Water Blade is perfectly safe for all paints and clear coats as long as they are CLEAN! You must wash your car and give it a good rinse before you 'blade off the water. Our silicone T-Bar and Y-Bar edges have less friction than a towel, but we can't say the same for anything that may be on the paint.

True story, we actually had someone that used a Water Blade to remove mud from their car without washing it first. As you can imagine, the 'Blade did a terrific job of dragging mud across their paint. This did not work out so well for the paint.

Don't do it!

Almost certainly "Yes".

Can you use it on marble tile? Yes.  Counter tops? Yes.  Shower stalls? Yes.  Tanning Beds? Yes. Windows? Yes.  Shop counters? Yes. Floors? Yes.  Honestly we have yet to find a situation where we would say no.

Silicone is temperature resistant from -80 to 400+ degrees and handles every cleaner and solvent we've put it up against so far.

Caveat: We could not possibly test our product with every chemical combination in the world so we don't know what the limitations are. Suffice to say we haven't found a problem yet!

Honestly we check into new materials all the time. There have certainly been a lot of advancements in TPEs (Thermo-Plastic Elastomers) and other material types. However, we have yet to find a replacement for the medical grade silicone we currently use.

Here's a quick test you can do yourself to see why silicone works so well:

Take a piece of silicone material and fold it back on itself. Really give it a good crease and apply some pressure. Do the same to a similar piece of TPE.

When released, the Silicone will snap back to its original position quickly while the TPE will linger in the deflected shape. It will eventually resume its original shape, but not quickly enough for our purposes. This action will be effected by ambient temperature as well.

This quick "Reaction time" is what makes the One Pass Waterblade work so well.


To be clear, these are not the "same as",  these ARE the products that used to be marketed under that name!

Don is the inventor and patent holder of the Water Blade and the T-Bar and Y-Blade designs. Back in the 90's we teamed up with another company to market the new idea and they dubbed it the "Original California Water Blade", but we prefer to just go with Original Water Blade.

We have many designs and sizes now for use virtually anywhere, but if you're looking for the original model, then you want our Classic 12" Water Blade.

Honestly "Medical Grade" wasn't on our spec sheet when we tested various materials, but when we found the right one it happened to be certified. Naturally what we really cared about was how the material worked in the Water Blade and performed its water removal duties.

So although stating our 'blades are "Medial Grade" may seem a little silly, it does speak to the quality of the materials we use at One Pass. Only the best!

The T-bar and Y-blade are both great products. The newer of the two models is the Y-blade and this is typically our go-to design when we're inventing new specialized products. Here's why:

The Y-blade uses a lower durometer (softer) silicone so it molds really well over rivets, seams and other surface irregularities.

Y-Blade is more forgiving of the angle it is held. This makes it easier to work when mounted on an extension pole like you use when you're 'blading off your RV.

The Y-blade edge has less tendency to catch in seams or body gaps so it doesn't flick water or snag.

Having said that, folks have been happily using the T-bar for nearly 20 years. It works great and lasts!