One Pass USA

The Water Blade

The Water Blade is the brain child of One Pass’s founder Don Varner.  That’s a name hot rod enthusiasts might recognize as the designer behind such famous (dare we say ‘infamous’) custom ‘Rods as El Matador, Silhouette and of course The California Star.

California Star turned the custom world on its ear back in 1984 when it took top honors at the Grand National Oakland Roadster Show. Don’s version of the classic 1927 Model-T is anything but ordinary and, despite enormous controversy, earned the title “World’s Most Beautiful Roadster”.

It was this kind of creative thinking that brought the world’s first Water Blade into existence and in so doing up-ended the car care world. That sounds a bit dramatic, but take a look at how many copies have hit the market since and you’ll see what we mean.

It goes without saying Don takes enormous pride in all of his vehicles as well as every product he designs. So you know if it bears the One Pass name, it’s suitable for the finest autos on the road.

To take a look at some of Don’s creations and a little Hot Rod history, go HERE.